

如果你问校友伯洛伊特学院是如何影响他们的, 答案很可能是“谁”,而不是“什么”:一个人或几个人总是有一扇敞开的门, 在关键时刻提出建议, 或者提供了大量的灵感.

去年秋天,作为 I 'm All In运动, 学院要求校友们说出他们的名字, to say who made 贝洛伊特 a special place and why they were all in for 贝洛伊特. 我们从他们分享的许多作品和故事中挑选了一些.   

唐娜·奥利弗,现代语言教授 & 文献

唐娜·奥利弗,现代语言教授 & 文献 唐娜·奥利弗,现代语言教授 & 文献
来源:jishhnu Guha ' 13
奥利弗教授从我在伯洛伊特的第一天起就一直支持我. 作为我的俄语指导老师, 她指导我完成了我的俄罗斯留学项目, 向我介绍了诗人亚历山大·普希金的作品, 指导我成为罗纳德·E. 麦克奈尔研究学者.

Dr. Oliver encouraged me to think beyond the status quo and helped me blend my passions for Russian language, 文化, 批判种族理论. 她真诚地关心我作为学生的发展, 作为一名专业人士, 最重要的是, 作为一个人. Professor Oliver’s steadfast mentorship has played a major part in where I am today.

- Oceana Gilliam ' 17, 贝洛伊特董事会成员

Roxie Alexander,英语教授

Roxie Alexander,英语教授 Roxie Alexander,英语教授
罗茜·亚历山大是一种天生的力量. Her knowledge of classic literature along with her amazingly quick wit made every single class with her a pleasure.

I was also lucky enough to have her as my advisor on my not-completely-successful semester abroad in England. Her advice and perspective were like a warm blanket wrapped around my 20-year-old insecurities. 为了纪念她,我每年都向学院捐款.


罗恩·沃森,健康副教授 & 社会

罗恩·沃森,健康副教授 & 社会 罗恩·沃森,健康副教授 & 社会
沃森教授指导了我的荣誉学期项目, which focused on the intersection between the rate of sexually transmitted infections and the opioid epidemic in Rock County (Wisconsin).

他鼓励我与社区组织合作, 收集的民族志研究, and use my findings to inform the work of the 贝洛伊特 Public Health Initiative. 沃森教授帮助我批判性地思考, 当项目完成的时候, he fully supported my application for a master’s degree in public health.

- Hannah Yee ' 19, 贝洛伊特校友会董事会成员

Laura Grube, 08级经济学副教授

Laura Grube, 08级经济学副教授 Laura Grube, 08级经济学副教授
图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87
Dr. Grube does something spectacular with all her students: She demands critical, 小心, purposeful thinking out of every interaction in class or outside of it. She shaped the way I thought about everything at 贝洛伊特 and beyond and broadened my horizons in countless ways.

从我踏入校园的那一刻起,她就是我的导师,000 miles from home and continues to be a mentor as we devote our lives to the betterment of this magical place called 皇冠crown体育.

——Hernan Santacruz, 19岁,贝洛伊特大学招生顾问


布洛克·斯宾塞,化学教授 布洛克·斯宾塞,化学教授
Brock showed me through his teaching of non-science majors the importance of a general science education for 每一个人. I was fortunate to be a TA for several chemistry courses and this experience boosted my confidence as a scientist and teacher.

尽管我的成绩一般, 他鼓励我追寻自己的梦想, 读研究生, 获得我的博士学位.D. 在化学. He helped me figure out which university would be a good fit by asking great open-ended questions.

多年过去了,我的职业生涯把我带到了一条完全不同的道路上. One thing remains constant: My liberal arts and sciences degree has made me a better scientist, 一个更有意识的全球公民, 一个全面发展的母亲为下一代的成功奠定了基础.

——Brenda Waller Kaushik 1993年


巴德·怀特福德,人类学教授(左) 巴德·怀特福德,人类学教授(左)
I left a state university where the freshman anthropology class numbered 250 students to attend 贝洛伊特 where my first anthropology class with Professor Whiteford numbered seven.

这带来了多大的不同啊! Whiteford became my mentor and friend who assisted my career choices a decade after my graduation. 我最终成为了一名美国外交官.

——路易斯·R. 限度的57


德文·威尔逊,90届,副院长 德文·威尔逊,90届,副院长作为麦克奈尔学者项目的主任, Associate Dean Wilson was a fierce advocate for first-generation minority students like me to work through our self-doubt and go on to graduate studies, 许多Ph值.Ds.

- Tori Key, 贝洛伊特董事会成员


76届的温迪·艾弗拉·戈登和73届的扎克·戈登 76届的温迪·艾弗拉·戈登和73届的扎克·戈登我全力支持伯洛伊特,因为49年前的这个星期, that’s where I met and fell in love with the most important person in my life, 我的神奇, brilliant wife who has remained as true to her values as the day I met her!



莱斯·麦卡利斯特,经济学教授 莱斯·麦卡利斯特,经济学教授
1958年秋天,我转学到伯洛伊特大学. 莱斯·麦卡利斯特,作为我的顾问,是我遇到的第一个员工. 除了U.S. 经济历史, 我不记得我第一学期上过的其他经济学课程了, 但最后我把他的都拿走了.

他让我对经济学产生了兴趣,这种兴趣一直持续到今天. I am sure he was behind my Woodrow Wilson nomination and my selection to be a “Brussels Sprout.“我很幸运能在我50岁的同学聚会上把他介绍给我们.

——Tom Mullaney, 1961年


1960年,贝洛伊特在比利时布鲁塞尔举办了第一次海外研讨会研究新建立的欧洲共同市场. 这个团体获得了“抱子甘蓝”的绰号.”


弗兰克·克里韦洛,76届,招生官 弗兰克·克里韦洛,76届,招生官
弗兰克·克里韦洛是我第一个接触伯洛伊特学院的人. 我总觉得他站在我这边, from when I was still in high school (considering 贝洛伊特) through graduation day.

如果他碰巧看到我经过中学去上课, 他会对着办公室的窗户大喊,示意我停下来. 然后我走过去,我们聊了一会儿. (当时很有趣,现在仍然让我微笑.) That welcoming, supportive gesture was emblematic of my experience at 贝洛伊特.

我有很棒的教授,他们也对我产生了影响吗? I certainly did — several immediately come to mind — but when I think about that not-so-quiet thread of support that screamed 追随你的激情! 我在伯洛伊特的整个时间里,我总是想起弗兰克.



汉克·伍德德,地质学教授 汉克·伍德德,地质学教授
Dr. Woodard, or “The Chief,” as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. 他表现出热情。, 完整性, 对他的学科有很深的了解, and a rare combination of caring for students while maintaining respect and admiration.

他的许多学生后来都有了成功的事业, and the 皇冠crown体育 geology department was put on the map as one of the best programs in the country. 许多人以“酋长”为榜样继续教学.


Marion Stocking,英语教授

Marion Stocking,英语教授 Marion Stocking,英语教授
I had an advanced class with Marion Stocking my freshman year; there, 我第一次看到塞缪尔·贝克特的作品.

在研究生毕业和几十年的生活和家庭之后, 我们在她缅因州的退休天堂又见面了. 我们一起在平静的湖面上划独木舟, discovered a chapel painted by local artists during the Public Works Administration era, 在海岸上跟踪鸟类.

Our last visit in Atlanta took place when she attended a conference to explore how best to turn over The 贝洛伊特 Poetry Journal to new editors. 她来到我在埃默里的办公室,看看她自己的教学成果, 她的编辑经历, 她的友谊影响了: 塞缪尔·贝克特书信集这本书是我为剑桥大学出版社共同编辑的.

Many 贝洛伊特ers and my entire family looked forward to Marion’s Christmas letters — filled to the brim with sharply worded observations of all sorts.

——Lois More Overbeck, 66年


查德·沃尔什,英语教授 查德·沃尔什,英语教授
我是看查德·沃尔什的书长大的 内莉和她的飞天鳄鱼, 第一次是我妈妈读给我弟弟听的时候, 我的妹妹, 和我, 这是我读过的第一本书.

作为创意写作班的新生, 儿童读物的话题是由另一个学生提出的, 他说他在这个领域没有经验. 我不得不站起来问:“那内莉怎么办?他脸红了.

我从未见过如此谦虚. 他使我成为一名作家.

——Allan Dalcher ' 70

Scott Crom,哲学教授

Scott Crom,哲学教授 Scott Crom,哲学教授
When my father died suddenly on a Sunday in February of my senior year, 我匆匆回到安纳波利斯的家,与母亲和兄弟们在一起.

当我下午晚些时候到达那里的时候, Scott Crom had already sent a telegram telling me to stay home as long as I needed to and that he and Chad would talk to my professors. He told me to focus on home and that they would get me caught up when I got back.

Both men were gentle, caring people who treated their students with respect and affection.



汤姆·麦克布莱德,英语教授 汤姆·麦克布莱德,英语教授
通过他迷人的教学风格和对主题的热情, Professor Tom McBride inspired me to appreciate the power of good writing —whether it be applied to a lengthy honors thesis or a short letter.

由于他的帮助,我学会了写得很好, a skill that opened the doors to a variety of interesting opportunities. 我写演讲稿, 时事通讯, and press releases for a State Senator; I wrote analyses of pending federal legislation for a public-interest law firm; I worked as a freelance writer, successfully selling everything from personal experience pieces to editing services for CEOs. 最终,我选择了基金会慈善事业, a field I was able to enter after winning an entry-level position based on the strength of my writing.

多年来一直担任私人基金会的执行董事, I still use the basic writing and analysis skills I learned from Professor McBride 40 (gulp!)年前.



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