April 27, 2021

Becoming an International College

贝洛伊特第一次涉足皇冠crown体育始于传教工作. As the college’s international outlook evolved, 它带来了一些发展,比如与一所中国顶尖大学的历史性交流项目,以及今天蓬勃发展的综合方法. 

彭瑛90年,摄于1989年,站在中学门前. 彭瑛90年,摄于1989年,站在中学门前.

皇冠crown体育与伯洛伊特的身份紧密地交织在一起, it could almost be taken for granted. 但是伯洛伊特大学如何成为这样一所国际大学的故事包含了相当多的曲折和转折.

It started with Protestant missionaries.

学院最早的皇冠crown体育先驱是作为传教士和教育家到海外旅行的校友. 其中一些人成为了贝洛伊特的第一批备受瞩目的国际人物, including Jerome Davis (1866) in Japan, 阿瑟·亨德森·史密斯(1867)和亨利·波特(1867)在中国, and Thomas Christie (1871) in Turkey. Some sent students and their own children back to Beloit, 他们还激励年轻校友追随他们的脚步.

After World War I, Beloit’s worldly aspirations turned secular, 以对学生进行国际政治教育的愿望日益强烈为标志, geography, languages, and cultures.

世界事务中心展示了学生们称之为家的所有国家的国旗. 世界事务中心展示了学生们称之为家的所有国家的国旗.
Credit: Alex Garcia

In 1924, College Dean George Collie, professor of anthropology and Logan Museum director, 他率先提出了一个在当时极不传统甚至颇具争议的计划. It earned Beloit national attention.

柯利认为,通过以前所未有的规模招收国际学生, 贝洛伊特可以通过促进人民和文化之间的理解和尊重,引领实现世界和平的道路. 其目标是让来自欧洲的国际学生占到60%, Asia, Africa, and South America, and 40 percent American students.


柯利解释说:“我们可以随心所欲地举行会议、颁奖和法庭——它们都大有裨益——但前提是我们消除了种族仇恨、怀疑和对立, we shall have war.”

Although Collie’s plan never fully materialized, 可以说,它使伯洛伊特学院成为了一所国际学院. 伯洛伊特继续欢迎越来越多的国际学生, but not on the scale Collie imagined.

At Home in the World of Ideas and the World Itself

1960年,伯洛伊特大学启动了“世界展望计划”(World Outlook Program),重振了其国际形象. 全面规划全球学习和出国留学, eight years in the planning, 奠定了贝洛伊特今天蓬勃发展的综合皇冠crown体育方法的基础.

When it launched, 《皇冠crown体育》的特色是由伯洛伊特学院的教师领导的海外研讨会, student and faculty exchanges and individual study abroad, required language competence, 国际关系和俄罗斯研究的新重点, and internationally focused campus events.

伊万·斯通院长是伯洛伊特大学世界观项目的设计师. 伊万·斯通院长是伯洛伊特大学世界观项目的设计师.College Dean Ivan Stone was the program’s architect, 经过翻新和重新投入使用的世界事务中心(原学院图书馆)是其校园基地.

凭借《皇冠crown体育》,贝洛伊特在接受皇冠crown体育方面走在了前列. 20世纪50年代末,一份关于这个雄心勃勃的项目的提案总结了它的目标:“让贝洛伊特的学生不仅熟悉思想世界,而且熟悉世界本身。.”

Beloit’s first seminar abroad went to Brussels, Belgium, in 1960 to study newly established European common markets. Led by Professor John Kemler, that inaugural group, known as “the Brussels Sprouts,” met with ambassadors, consuls general, and business leaders. It was life-changing for participants.

It’s no wonder that one member of that small group, Robert Houdek’61, went on to a distinguished career in foreign service. “Brussels was profound,” he said in a 2010 Beloit College Magazine article. “Beloit always nurtured, developed, 并把我的兴趣转向了国际事务和外交事务.”

Beloit’s China Connection

Beloit学生在上海复旦大学上课. Beloit学生在上海复旦大学上课.
Credit: Beloit College Archives

In 1985, 当时中国才刚刚开始向西方开放经济, 伯洛伊特大学与上海复旦大学签署了一项具有历史意义的交流项目, one of the country’s most prestigious universities. 这是已知的第一个美国大学和美国大学之间的同类本科项目.S. college and a major Chinese university.

Frank Wong, Beloit’s vice president for academic affairs, set the program in motion in the early 1980s. In its first year, Beloit sent five students and one faculty member to Fudan, 而来到伯洛伊特的中国学生和教师人数也相同.

第一批中国学生在伯洛伊特大学学习英语课程, called themselves “the gang of five,甚至还在附近的托德小学打工, teaching language and culture to Beloit-area children.

“This exchange with Fudan is a new step forward in U.S.因为这涉及到本科生。 Beloit College Magazine in 1985. “这对未来中美高等教育机构之间的交流具有重要意义.”

Alumni Community Includes Six Ambassadors

至少有六名伯洛伊特学院的校友在外交服务领域取得了杰出的成就, including as ambassadors.

  1. Robert Strong’38 had a long career with the U.S. Department of State, serving as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq from 1963-67.
  2. Adolph Dubs’42 曾在德国、利比里亚、加拿大、南斯拉夫和苏联担任职业外交官. He was the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan from 1978 until 1979, 他在一次营救行动中被绑架并杀害.
  3. Peter Tufo’59他是一名律师和投资银行家,也是Beloit董事会的前成员.S. Ambassador to Hungary from 1997-2001.
  4. Robert Houdek’61 was the first U.S. Ambassador to Eritrea from 1993-96, U.S. 1985年至1988年任驻乌干达大使,并在美国国务院担任多个职务.S. Foreign Service over four decades, most related to Africa. From 1969-71, 他曾在白宫担任国家安全顾问亨利·基辛格的特别助理.
  5. Suzanne Kreitner Hale’70 was U.S. 2004年至2007年担任美国驻密克罗尼西亚大使,并担任过丰富的外国农业服务官员, including with the U.S.D.A. in China and Japan.
  6. Javid Ahmad’11, 他是土生土长的阿富汗人,也是公认的阿富汗和巴基斯坦问题专家, is Afghanistan’s ambassador to the United Arab Emirates.

Also In This Issue

  • 《奇迹时代的玩具:科幻小说、社会和游戏的象征意义》,作者Mark Rich, 1980


  • 《文化意识:关于文化、认知和行为的简介》作者:劳伦斯·T. White, Professor


  • “The Parkour Club” by Pam Miller Withers’78

    The Parkour Club


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