Teaching Museum at Beloit College

Wright Museum of Art

A space for experiential learning through a critical engagement with art – one that is visual, tactile, and intellectual.

Student looking at woodblock print process.

A Student-Centered Museum

Students studying Suzanne Duchamp drawing. In 1894 the Wright Museum of Art was established as a teaching museum. Continuing in that tradition, we believe that students learn by doing.

In our galleries…

Beloit College students assist in curating many of our exhibits. Students engage in background research and help write the wall texts. They also help design the exhibit layout, frame and hang the artwork, and create marketing and educational materials.

..and behind the scenes.

Beloit College students assist museum staff with caring for the works of art. Responsibilities entrusted to students include: inventory, collections research, mount making, and photography.

Contact Us

Phone: 608-363-2280

Email: wrightmuseum@gimmemoon.net

Museum Location

Wright Museum of Art


66th Annual Beloit & Vicinity

The Annual Beloit & Vicinity Exhibition

Students in Helen Werner’s Anatomy class visit the Wright Museum of Art to study anatomy through art work.

Anatomy and Art

At Beloit College, learning anatomy is not just about memorizing body parts. Students in Helen Werner’s Anatomy class also learn anatomy through art. 


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