



提交你的新闻和照片到 classnotes@gimmemoon.net. 提交的作品将出现在 伯洛伊特学院杂志’s printed and online editions and are accepted on a rolling basis.



  • 吉姆·帕特森的57俄勒冈州尤金., earned the title of “oldest alum to attend a 贝洛伊特ers Unite event in 2023” with his appearance at 贝洛伊特ers Unite held in Portland, 矿石. This fall, Jim is headed to Romania with his wife, Joby, for another Fulbright Award for her.


  • 鲍勃·诺里斯66科罗拉多州朗蒙特市., 是朗蒙特幼儿联盟的联合创始人, which has raised awareness of the benefits of early childhood education and shortage of access that is negatively impacting children, 父母, 和雇主. 通过幼儿联盟, Bob aims to provide a solution for children in two large school districts.
  • 艾尔Wroblewski 67 has been elected chair of the Rogers Free Library board of trustees in his hometown of Bristol, R.I.


约翰·格里希特和他的相机. “哇,我已经退休10年了,”他说 约翰Gerecht 70. “At the end of my time at 贝洛伊特 I discovered photography and it's been my passion ever since. I spent pretty much all of my working life with the State of Washington.”
老朋友丹·斯托尔,78年, 安迪·戴维斯79, 波利胡佛78, 79届的Tom Hoffer拍了一张最近一次迷你聚会的照片. 长期的朋友 丹Stohr 78, 安迪·戴维斯79, 波利胡佛78, 汤姆霍夫尔79 拍了一张最近迷你聚会的照片.
  • 马克70年拉森马萨诸塞州查尔斯敦., retired in 2022 after 10 years as the head of mental health litigation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Service. Before his decade there, Mark worked as a public defender in New Hampshire. 他说:“2023年是我作为律师的前半个世纪. 难以置信.“马克说他很享受退休生活, 偶尔工作, 以及他在美国安克雷奇大厦的新家.S. 波士顿港附近的海军造船厂, which is now a national historic site that serves as the home port for the USS Constitution and the USS Cassin Young. Mark’s two daughters, their spouses, two grandchildren live in nearby communities.
  • 马乔里另76伊利诺伊州查尔斯顿., continues to live in east central Illinois after retiring in 2015 from teaching psychology at Eastern Illinois University. 她的诗集, 细察尘埃该书将于2024年由finish Line出版社出版. 感谢伯洛伊特学院同学埃丝特·史密斯的提名, she belongs to the online New York City-based poetry collective, Brevitas. She cares for her centenarian dad and having become an avid hiker, 监视当地保护区的两条小径.


在比利时根特,摄影师们重现了他们1980年的年鉴照片. 在比利时根特,摄影师们重现了他们1980年的年鉴照片. 从左到右: 伊泽贝尔·斯特恩·巴特尔81年, 莎莉·布尔·谢恩伯格81届, 丰富Sheinberg 80比尔·巴特尔.
  • 自2003年以来, 85年约翰·盖尔华盛顿特区.C., 曾在秘书处经济学家工作, an economics consulting firm that specializes in the fields of microeconomics, 法律与经济, 公共政策, 以及商业策略. 约翰目前是总经理.
  • 约翰F. Dion 88格伦维尔,n.n.Y.他被命名为托马斯·A. Manion Distinguished Faculty Member of the Year by the College of Saint Rose’s alumni association. The award is presented to an eligible faculty member in recognition of excellence in teaching, 专业素养突出, concern for students demonstrated by influencing their professional and personal lives.


五名90年代的伯洛伊特学院校友在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提会面. A mini 贝洛伊特 reunion was held at Skyline Chili in Cincinnati, Ohio. 出席者从左到右依次为 尼克Carpentieri 92, 迦勒米勒93年, 布伦达·厄德曼·米勒,96届, 95年肖恩·宝蓝, 杰夫·格里克94.
Six 贝洛伊特ers gathered in Pella, 爱荷华州, 庆祝他们50岁生日. 2023年5月的第一个周末, 六个贝洛伊特人聚集在佩拉, 爱荷华州, 庆祝他们50岁生日, 郁金香的时间, 还有他们的友谊. 从左起为 Michele Guzik Utyro 94年, Sara Kirchhoff Roang, 95届, 谢利·欧文·墨菲,95年, Emily Stevens Ratajczyk ' 95, 希拉里·弗里克·罗,95年.
  • Wendy Ruenger, Mireles, 90密尔沃基,威斯康星州., 和她丈夫一起, 乔治, recently celebrated the seventh anniversary of opening the Bay View Milwaukee location of their restaurant, 咖啡馆科拉松. They also have other locations in the Riverwest area of Milwaukee, Brown Deer, Wis.还有一辆墨西哥卷饼卡车,可以送到需要的地方. 咖啡馆科拉松 focuses on locally sourced ingredients and good food.
  • 弗兰克戴维斯91 搬到英国伦敦去了吗.
  • Paula Sadler Fuhr ' 97来自明尼苏达州伊迪纳., has been putting her mathematical biology degree to good use as a mathematics teacher at The Blake School since 2005.


克里斯托门多萨的00 克里斯托门多萨的00 在工作了20年之后,于2018年退休. He owned an independent used car dealership, but it was sold at the end of 2022. 目前, 他是博纳菲德语言翻译公司的总裁, 在线翻译和口译公司. He enjoys working as a certified Ford sales professional and traveling whenever possible.
  • In 2022, 弗吉尼亚"金妮" Konchan 02,俄亥俄州克利夫兰出版 美声唱法, her fourth full-length collection of poetry through Carnegie Mellon University Press. She is also the co-editor, with Sarah Giragosian, of the craft anthology 地板上的弹珠:如何组装一本诗集该书于2023年由阿克伦大学出版社出版.
  • Rebecca " Becky " Granat Shapiro ' 02华盛顿州西雅图市., 还有她的丈夫, 一位石榴, 欢迎他们美丽的女儿, Verity Blue Granat Shapiro, 今年3月.
  • 在2023年的分区锦标赛半决赛中, 尼克Weisheipl 02宾夕法尼亚州东诺顿.他赢得了职业生涯的第200次胜利. He is the head baseball coach and program founder at Cabrini University in Radnor, Pa.
  • 伊丽莎白·惠勒的02威斯康辛州莫诺纳., recently joined the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) as the policy advisor to Commissioner Tyler Huebner. The PSC regulates public utilities in Wisconsin and plays a pivotal role in setting energy policy for the state.
  • 梅根·Melloy 05罗利,n.n.C., joined the Environmental Division at the North Carolina Department of Justice as an assistant attorney general. 她代表了N.C. Division of Environmental Quality in collections and enforcement cases.


Amelia Buzzell的10年婚礼和朋友. 阿米莉亚Buzzell的10 年10月与杰夫·乔治结婚. 2022年2月22日,芝加哥. 从左至右依次为第一排: 朱莉Heney的10, 马克·库根的12, 莎拉·迪金森·库根11年,新郎和新娘, Emily Edstrom Moore ' 10, 林赛Ravizza 08年; second row: 彼得Nencka的11, 玛丽屁股”11, 伯特康奈利的13, 伊恩树篱的12, 史蒂芬·杰克逊的12, 凯特琳MacDougall的10, 莉斯寻的10, 凯特·弗林的11, 林恩Vollbrecht 06年, 卡琳·卡尔森的12, 段口诀Lewallen的10 (图片/精神).
  • 苏丹·加纳·卡里乌基,16岁 从佛罗里达搬到了纽约的伊萨卡.
  • 弗朗西斯Klaverkamp的16威斯康辛州伯洛伊特市., her dog, Birdie, have been excelling at their obedience and manners dog training class. When not training, Frances and Birdie like to promote Giving Day (stay tuned for next year!),小睡一会儿.
  • 艾梅特战分队的16马里兰州鲍伊市., is enjoying her role as senior program manager at The Fishing School in Washington, DC., which offers educational enrichment programs for about 400 students in the D.C. 每天面积. 她于今年2月开始工作.
  • 自2019年10月以来, 英里欧文的19明尼苏达州哥伦比亚高地., has been working as an educational support professional for Minneapolis Public Schools.


  • 肯德拉甘的21弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市., has been a third-grade teacher for Fairfax County Public Schools in Springfield, Va.自2021年8月起.
  • 梅格Kulikowski“21威斯康辛州伯洛伊特市., 刚和她男朋友搬来, 盖伦, 去伯洛伊特市中心, 距离她上次住的公寓足足四分钟车程. She has been working in the college’s communications office for the past two years.
  • Saugat Pandey“21密苏里州大学城., is pursuing further studies in computer science at Washington University in St. 路易.
  • 玫瑰威廉姆斯的21 要搬到伊利诺伊州的农庄去.作为一名临床神经心理学技师. She will be performing clinical testing from age 5 to the end of life. Rose says, “This opportunity is hopefully a solid start to my dream career!”


Recognizing members of the 皇冠crown体育 community we have lost.


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