
在他找大学的时候, Sahil Rizal’22 prioritized intellectual challenge 和 a small campus where it would be easy to meet people. Beloit not only fit these criteria, but gave him multiple opportunities to gain career-readiness skills. He has successfully entered an economic consulting career, 和 has been an analyst at Coherent 经济学 since Jan 2023.  

“Higher 数学 are beautiful,Sahil Rizal ' 22报道, who came to Beloit with an economics major in mind. 最终,他获得了一个专业 数量经济. 他也会辅修 数学 出乎我的意料.

Sahil Rizal'22 on the 皇冠crown体育 campus Sahil Rizal’22 on the 皇冠crown体育 campus“In school in Nepal 和 at the beginning at Beloit, I thought of math as utilitarian,“ he recalls. “That changed when I started taking higher 数学. 贝洛伊特太棒了 数学教授, 包括凯瑟琳·哈里斯, 汤姆Stojsavljevic, 和, 当时, 保罗·斯坦利, helped me experience math as an intellectually dem和ing discipline involving abstract thinking 和 sophisticated argumentation.”

他很快就爱上了数学. But then, Sahil chose Beloit because he wanted intellectual challenge 和 the chance to study 多于一门学科.

Thus, the very first class he registered for was in 哲学, a choice that would have a profound impact. “哲学100:逻辑 set the tone for every subsequent class I took at Beloit 和 every paper I wrote, because it taught me how to formulate 和 improve arguments. 这让我大开眼界.”

If Sahil’s courses in different disciplines were exp和ing his ways of knowing, he was also gaining new perspectives within economics, 他的主要. “We read economic literature in a course on 比较经济制度. As a result, I now have a much better grounding in the 哲学 behind economic thought.”

But Beloit had also appealed to Sahil as a college where cultural adjustment would be eased by its 小尺寸友好的环境. Additionally, the diversity 和 number of Beloit’s 国际学生 increased Beloit’s attractiveness: 国际学生 come from 39 countries 和 constitute 14% of total enrollment.

“大多数在美国的尼泊尔人.S. attend large universities; to feel at home, they b和 together 和 live together. 我不想那样.”而不是, 从伯洛伊特开始, Sahil met students from all of over the world 和 within the U.S., although it was reassuring that S和eep Acharya’19 was among them. S和eep had been three years ahead of Sahil at school back home.

Although Sahil had not anticipated it, Beloit also helps students develop 职业准备技能.

事实上, the college’s students develop skills outside the classroom through extracurricular activities, 校园就业, 研究, 社区参与.

Sahil Rizal'11 at a frozen lake, with ice fishers in the background Sahil Rizal'11 at a frozen lake, with ice fishers in the backgroundSahil comments from his own experience: “You might think that joining a 联谊会 仅仅是一种社会行为吗, but as a member of the TKE leadership team, I had to juggle a lot of responsibilities at once.”

他服刑时也是这样 居民助理,或RA, in 木头大厅 during his junior 和 senior years. “As an RA, you are called on to respond to all sorts of crises. You have to take responsibility 和 learn how to help residents resolve interpersonal conflicts as well as cope with external events. In the process, you develop skills essential to working in teams.”

Also impactful were helping to analyze data in the college’s institutional 研究 office, IRAP, under the guidance of its director, 艾莉Anderbyrne; helping the 伯洛伊特市 respond to the p和emic while working in its economic development office; 和 serving as a tutor trainer in the college’s 领导办公室, which helps Beloit’s students thrive academically by providing academic support, 辅导, 残疾人服务.

“Working for LEADS was one of my most fruitful experiences at Beloit,” he says. 难怪. Sahil’s responsibilities ran the gamut from finding 和 screening applicants, training tutors to work with tutees, 跟踪导师时间, 和 monitoring their effectiveness. He also made sure to retain them by showing appreciation.

Graduate studies lie in Sahil’s future, but only after he works for one or more years to apply 和 extend the knowledge 和 skills he’s acquired at Beloit. 他希望 找一份工作 在经济咨询方面, for the breath of exposure he’d be given; financial analysis, to go into depth in a specific area; or public affairs-related 研究, to build on the work he did in Beloit’s city hall 和 in IRAP.

“I feel I am ready for professional life,” he says. That’s not only because of the academic preparation 和 practical experience he’s had at Beloit, but because he’s also become more measured.

“By my senior year I realized that impatience was limiting my effectiveness. I also wasn’t doing myself any good by becoming disheartened when things didn’t go my way.”

弹性 he’s developed will hold Sahil in good stead wherever his career 和 life take him.


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