
Data That Tells a Seriously Good Story 关于 贝洛伊特

斯科特·比尔曼总裁 in his office. 图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87A little good news right now is probably a blessed relief. So, I am here to offer a little slice of heaven. Well, as much as survey data is in the same district as heaven.

排名靠前的是: 我们是第5名! U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 has ranked 皇冠crown体育 the fifth most-innovative national liberal arts college in the country. 肯定, this reflects the college’s national leadership through its 贝洛伊特 Action Plan and our successful return to campus this fall. While a good case can be made that we should be number 1, number 5 is a great big step in the right direction.

表面上看, I know this doesn’t sound quite so great, but wait until you read the rest of the story: 我们是第30名! 《皇冠crown体育》 puts out an annual college ranking in which 218 liberal arts colleges are scored based on the quality of their social impact (social mobility, 研究, 促进公共服务). It is the rare college ranking method that is based on what actually happens at the college and how alumni take advantage of it, rather than the college’s endowment. 作为一名经济学家, 《皇冠crown体育》 measures “outputs” rather than “inputs.“对他们有好处。. Our outputs—that is, our alumni—are among the nation’s most effective. The highly recognizable schools ranked behind 贝洛伊特 remind me how we punch well above our weight when it comes to real impact.

How about this for a number to get excited about? 90%. That is our retention rate this fall: the percentage of students who returned for their sopho更多的 year after completing their first year. 在过去的几年里, we have been a little above the national average for four-year colleges, but this shoots us into the rarefied company of the most successful colleges. To have this level of success in the middle of a pandemic speaks volumes about how our students are perceiving their education.

让我们深入研究一下. Every three years, the college participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement. It asks students about the quality of their educational experience with a specific eye toward those factors that higher education 研究 has identified as being most impactful. 通过这个调查, we can compare ourselves against other schools with respect to how our students are experiencing the college relative to how students at other colleges are experiencing their schools.

例如, we know that connecting what is going on in class to the real world is a catalyst to making the learning in that classroom stick. 71 percent of our first-year students report that this is happening very often in their classes versus 51 percent at other colleges (or 58 percent at other liberal arts colleges). We also know that taking advantage of diverse perspectives is essential to being productive in a 21st century world. 92 percent of 贝洛伊特’s first-year students report having regular discussions with people of a different race or ethnicity from their own. That is far ahead of the experience of students at other colleges—70 percent at all participating schools and 74 percent at other liberal arts colleges.

The list of high-impact educational practices in which 贝洛伊特 students report better experiences than other colleges goes on and on. Indeed, 贝洛伊特 beats the competition on average in 61 of the 72 categories. No wonder 贝洛伊特 students describe their relationship with faculty to be excellent or nearly excellent vastly 更多的 regularly than other schools (74 percent to 52 percent). 这些都是巨大的差异.

The story these data tell is one of innovative effectiveness, something completely consistent with what I hear from alumni when they connect their 贝洛伊特 experiences to their lives after 贝洛伊特. They tell a story that ties 175 years of 皇冠crown体育 together. That is one seriously good news story. 我们是诽谤者! 在我的书里,这是第一.

From here at Chapin’s desk (where I have been pretty much 24-7 for the last six months),



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